Anna’s Circle was inspired by Anna, a church planter in Tanzania, who left everything to obey God’s call to start a new church. Anna was trained using Multiplication Network’s materials and continues to boldly share her faith as she grows her church and mentors future leaders who are starting more churches in nearby villages.

We need more Annas!

Anna’s Circle groups are started by women who say “Yes” when the Holy Spirit prompts them to develop relationships with unbelievers and be ready to share their Gospel story at any moment, to lead more people to Jesus. Anna’s Circle Community is passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus with friends, family, our communities, and globally through the female church planters we support.

Groups of women – large or small – meet in-person or online to complete a 12-session training program designed to get us “off the bench and into the action” of sharing the love of Jesus with those God brings into our lives. Anna’s Circle groups meet at a frequency the group decides. We recommend getting together at least twice a month. Training sessions include a short video, a participant’s guide that you will work through together, group discussion, and inspiring stories about how God is working through women! You will also take time to share what you’ve learned and experienced, pray together, and review the next action step to be completed before the next meeting.

Our Mission

Our mission is to train women to effectively share the Good News about Jesus, both here and abroad!

How can I become more like Anna?

When women hear Anna’s story, the overwhelming response is, “How can I become more like Anna?”  Anna was asked to complete Multiplication Network’s church planter training and start a new church, and she said “Yes!”

  • Anna PRAYED and asked God where He wanted her to start a church, and God directed her to Mbwigu.
  • Anna was willing to SHARE her life, leaving everything behind to bring the love of Jesus to Mbwigu. This meant selling her house and moving to a village that was predominantly Muslim, with no Christian presence.
  • Anna GAVE her time, knowledge, and resources to build relationships which opened doors for her to share the Gospel. 

Today Anna’s church is thriving as she now trains church planters to go out and start more churches!

Building the Community

 As new Anna’s Circles are formed, women meet to pray and discuss how often to gather as well as how to incorporate the three pillars:  PRAY, SHARE, and GIVE.  Depending on the make-up of the group, and what they believe God is calling them to do, the primary focus can vary.  For example:

  • Your group may consist of devoted prayer warriors who want to spend more time praying for the salvation of friends, family members, and people in your community, as well as specific prayer requests we receive from church planters globally.  Some groups even plan prayer walks together!
  • Other groups may dive deep into the training and be ready to start Discovery Bible Studies with women they know who are receptive to learning more about who Jesus is. Perhaps your group has already been sharing their lives with women who don’t know Jesus and are ready to take next steps!
  •  All Anna’s Circle members are challenged to grow in generosity. This includes giving of our time, money, and resources. So, some Anna’s Circle groups – those with the Spiritual gift of giving – might focus on creating a giving circle to financially support global missions, specifically female church planters who are just waiting to be trained.

We are always looking for women interested in bringing Anna’s Circle to their area. If you would like more information, please email us at and Sandra Tolsma, our National Director, will contact you.

Anna’s Circle Community Online

In addition to Facebook and Instagram, women visit Anna’s Circle Community to train, receive prayer and giving updates, and interact with each other online. Simply go to and register. Once your account (It’s Free!) is set up, you have joined the community.

The Train tab at the top gives you access to the Anna’s Circle Training Program. These sessions are designed to be completed at your own pace; however, we highly recommend at least two sessions a month, and working with a partner and/or an Anna’s Circle group.  Groups meet both online and in person.  Contact us if you are interested in joining a new group that is forming.

Join the Circle!

Join with women who PRAY, SHARE, and GIVE to spread the Gospel!  Contact Us for more information and/or register online at to join Anna’s Circle Community! God is at work and we have the privilege of coming alongside Him and seeing what He will do as we obey His calling to “Go and make disciples of all nations!”

Is God calling you to join Anna’s Circle?